Epilepsy Awareness Facebook
Epilepsy, Health

Finding confidence with epilepsy in Facebook support groups

Having experienced seizures for years after turning 21 years old, I have found more confidence in myself and learned more about epilepsy after joining epilepsy awareness and support groups on Facebook. I first began having petit mal seizures when I was 21. While brushing my teeth in the morning my arm would suddenly jut out,… Continue reading Finding confidence with epilepsy in Facebook support groups

Affordable Care Act Obamacare
Epilepsy, Health

I was left high and dry by the Affordable Care Act also known as Obamacare

I have not been a fan of the Affordable Care Act, or "Obamacare," ever since it impacted by private health insurance plan in 2013. Before I explain my experience, I will note that I began having seizures at 21 years old and at 25 years old I was diagnosed with Epilepsy, a serious neurological disorder.… Continue reading I was left high and dry by the Affordable Care Act also known as Obamacare