Hollywood walk of fame

Bridget Fonda broke my heart

I normally do not talk about celebrities, but this particular celebrity has weighed heavy on my heart.

For years I have wondered what happened to Bridget Fonda? She was one of the most beautiful celebrities in the ’90s. I loved her glowing face with her unique smile. Her 1992 film Single White Female was a memorable movie for me. Not to mention she is married to Danny Elfman, one of my top favorite names in Hollywood.

However, for years I have seen Danny attend public events without Bridget. The last photos I had seen of her were from 2009 when she still looked lovely.

Finally the day came in 2022 when I saw Bridget again. I’ll just say I was beyond appalled. I could not recognize her whatsoever with the immense weight gain and baggy clothing.

Immediately people rushed to her defense stating she had simply aged. Look, I can understand aging. What I do not understand is becoming obese.

What is even more odd is that her husband Danny is very fit for his age, currently 70 years old. He is 10 years older than Bridget. It seems his fit lifestyle has not motivated her.

Bridget has more than enough money to make a healthy lifestyle “easy.” She can easily afford a personal chef to make her healthy meals or hire a personal trainer to design a relaxed exercise routine that can still keep her in relatively good shape. Of course she does not need to obtain the slender figure she had in her earlier years, but she can still keep a healthy weight.

I would like to hear from her directly about her lifestyle, but seeing how she has made it a point to stay out of the spotlight I do not think that conversation will ever occur. I would be surprised if it does.

On a final note, I am not writing this to degrade a celebrity, I am writing this because I am concerned about health and well being. Immense weight gain should not be defended as “aging,” it should be discussed as a health concern. I do wish the best for Bridget and I hope she can improve her lifestyle.