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Moving away from Facebook, connect with me on Discord

Those of you who communication with me regularly know that I have pretty much dropped Facebook. I continue to use it for work and research purposes, but other than that, I am not longer using it for my projects or primary platform for communication.

As a result, I launched a Discord server to stay connected with those who want to stay up to date with my projects. Discord is a great communication platform that is free to use.

My projects include Republican Atheists, Atheists We Are, Christian Atheist Society, Atheists United for Israel, Conservative Atheists for Homeschool, Nordic Republicans, Americans Sweden, Universal Healthcare Stories, etc.

I am still active on Twitter, Instagram, MeWe and Parler.

Those interested to join me on Discord can email me at lauren[at]laurenelltalk.com for the link to join. Please introduce yourself in your email and share a little about your background.

Thank you for your support.