Women's March co-chairs

I am so glad the co-chairs of Women’s March were asked to resign

A highlight of my year was learning in November 2018 that the founder of Women's March asked all four co-chairs of the movement to resign for promoting anti-Semitic and anti-LGBTQ views, as well as defending hateful rhetoric. Whether they resign or not, the movement's crumbling foundation is now very public. The crumbling foundation was noticeable… Continue reading I am so glad the co-chairs of Women’s March were asked to resign

Louis Farrakhan Hitler
History, Politics

Start talking about notorious anti-Semite Nation of Islam Leader Louis Farrakhan

One of the most concerning subjects that I find practically no one talks about is the far reaching influence of notorious anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan, leader of United States-based radical group Nation of Islam. Farrakhan's influence can be found in politics, entertainment and sports, from Obama to the organizer's of Women's March to Snoop Dogg. The… Continue reading Start talking about notorious anti-Semite Nation of Islam Leader Louis Farrakhan


Why do atheist organizations not call out the affiliation of Nation of Islam with the Obama presidency?

"They call me Hitler. Well, that's a good name. Hitler was a very great man." Louis Farrakhan, leader of Nation of Islam, praising Hitler. While many atheist groups dive head first into calling out Trump and the religious right, there is an elephant in the room that continues to go unmentioned, and that is the… Continue reading Why do atheist organizations not call out the affiliation of Nation of Islam with the Obama presidency?