Lady Gaga gun violence

Battle of the “better Christian”: Lady Gaga versus Mike Pence

Lady Gaga made me question who is the "better Christian" when she recently went on a public tirade against Vice President Mike Pence while she performed in Las Vegas on January 19, 2019, stating he was the "worst representation" of Christianity. She stopped playing during a song to talk to the audience about how Mike… Continue reading Battle of the “better Christian”: Lady Gaga versus Mike Pence

Living, Travel

Why the Icehotel in northern Sweden is particularly cool

I recently visited the world famous Icehotel located in JukkasjÀrvi, Sweden, for the second time. The first time I visited was in February 2018 and the second time was December 2018 - and it was fabulous! If you are assuming that the Icehotel is a hotel made of ice, then yes, you are correct. It… Continue reading Why the Icehotel in northern Sweden is particularly cool


Insight into the dictatorship of American leftist teachers

Recently I had an online conversation with American teachers with left-leaning political views who are located in Sweden. The conversation started off casual and quickly became heated. I was appalled by how these educators took control of the conversation, degraded me, and disregarded my ideas. Some background information. I have been working as a substitute… Continue reading Insight into the dictatorship of American leftist teachers

Women's March co-chairs

I am so glad the co-chairs of Women’s March were asked to resign

A highlight of my year was learning in November 2018 that the founder of Women's March asked all four co-chairs of the movement to resign for promoting anti-Semitic and anti-LGBTQ views, as well as defending hateful rhetoric. Whether they resign or not, the movement's crumbling foundation is now very public. The crumbling foundation was noticeable… Continue reading I am so glad the co-chairs of Women’s March were asked to resign

Nyhavn in Copenhagen, Denmark

Visiting the beautiful city of Copenhagen, Denmark

I visited the beautiful city Copenhagen, Denmark November 23-26, 2018 for leisure. I will share insight on public transportation, social atmosphere and sites of interest. This was my third time visiting Copenhagen, though my longest time staying there. I visited Copenhagen two times in 2007, but each time was only for a few hours. This… Continue reading Visiting the beautiful city of Copenhagen, Denmark

Swedish police women

Sweden’s bizarre push for police women

Since living in Sweden for nearly three years, one of the most bizarre things I have observed is the push for police women officers by The Swedish Police Authority, Sweden's official police organization, as well as Sweden's national media outlets. When a story about crime comes up in Swedish news, more often than not the… Continue reading Sweden’s bizarre push for police women

Melania Trump Cairo Egypt

I love the photos of Melania Trump in Cairo, Egypt

I am still stunned by the photos of First Lady Melania Trump visiting Cairo, Egypt on October 6, 2018. She looked amazing wearing classic archaeologist-inspired ensemble while standing with the historical pyramids and Sphinx behind her. Her body language showed a bold woman ready to face the world. What was even more enticing about the… Continue reading I love the photos of Melania Trump in Cairo, Egypt

Keith Ellison Antifa

High up Democrat official Keith Ellison promoted violent terrorist group Antifa

I recently came across a graphic online that looked like an old communist propaganda flier. It featured the faces of prominent Democrat leaders, such as Hillary Clinton, Elizabeth Warren and Nancy Pelosi, and said, "The New Democratic Party: Bringing Socialism to the World." The flier also featured the word "Antifa," and the antifa logo that… Continue reading High up Democrat official Keith Ellison promoted violent terrorist group Antifa

Broken heart
Living, Relationships

My best friend from high school unfriended me on Facebook

How long will cutting ties continue to be the way people deal with others who do not share their same political views? I've been unfriended by numerous acquaintances on Facebook over the years for sharing my conservative-leaning political views. Normally I shrug off the diminishing number of "friends" since they are just acquaintances. But recently… Continue reading My best friend from high school unfriended me on Facebook